The OutCare Foundation’s commitment to the community dates back to 1984 when the Foundation was first established to raise funds for the Riverside Hospital. When the Ottawa-area acute care hospitals were restructured we refocused our mission to support community-based healthcare in Eastern Ontario.
Since 1998, the OutCare Foundation has provided over $1.5 million for palliative care programs and services. Additionally in our early years, we helped many small organizations expand or start new programs benefiting Alzheimer/dementia patients and stroke victims. Organizations such as the Abbotsford Senior Centre (the Glebe Centre), Aphasia Centre of Ottawa, Cumberland Home Support and the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre received program funding.
Through our work in the community, we recognized the need for more end-of-life care. With this in mind, the Celebration of Life event series was held from 2004 to 2007 uniting five palliative organizations to raise awareness and over $375,000.
As an independent organization, the OutCare Foundation has been able to fund a broad range of initiatives our region at the following palliative care organizations: the Friends of Hospice Ottawa, the Hospice at May Court, the North Grenville Community Hospice (now known as the Beth Donovan Hospice), the Ottawa Mission Hospice, the Palliative Care Outreach Program, and Roger’s House. Grants were also awarded to the Algonquin College Foundation (to establish the OutCare Foundation Bursaries).