Glyn Chancey is the Executive Director of the Canadian Seed Growers Association. He recently retired from the federal government after 30 years of service. During that period he held executive positions with a number of Government of Canada departments and agencies, including the Privy Council Office, the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, as well as in the private sector. A native of Newfoundland, he has completed undergraduate studies in agricultural economics at the University of Guelph, graduate studies in industrial organization and international economics at McGill University and a certificate in french from Université Laval.
Glyn joined the OutCare Foundation Board in 2013 following a decade of volunteer work in regional health care fund raising and after a number of personal experiences with end of life care. His decision to do so was inspired by the Foundation’s efforts to increase the availability of and access to quality palliative care as well as it’s potential for reducing wait times for critical care hospital beds in the Region.
Glyn has extensive experience leading and working in teams, both as a volunteer and more generally. Positions held include: Director, Cumberland Township Agricultural Society; Co-Chair, Ottawa Hospital Foundation, Ploughing Fore a Cure Charity Golf Tournament; Member, Organizing Committee, Ottawa Hospital President’s Breakfast for the Public Service fundraiser; Director, Ottawa Stewardship Council; Member, City of Ottawa, Citizens Budget Advisory Committee; Member, Ottawa-Carleton Rural Council, City of Ottawa Rural Issues Advisory Committee; Co-Chair, Rural Expo 2001, International Ploughing Match and Farm Machinery Show.