Funding Priorities

Make your donation today and help improve palliative care across Eastern Ontario!

Palliative priority AreaImpact of fundingHow funding will be used
Providing Care When and Where it is NeededImproves palliative care delivery by providing the tools needed for care, comfort and mobilityFor equipment to be used in homes and in residential hospices (e.g. pressure relief mattresses, wheelchairs).
Supporting Families, Caregivers & VolunteersEnhances quaility of life by providing support, education and the opportunity for much-needed breaksFor improvements to family's palliative care experience (e.g. music therapy, equipment loan program).
For support in bereavement.
To recognize volunteers (e.g. bursaries).
Connecting People to InformationImproves quality of life at end of life by increasing awareness and access to careAdvance Care Planning (e.g. material and presentations).
Expanding Knowledge through EducationImproves quality and consistency of care through educationFor volunteer education (e.g. palliative care education day).
For future palliative care professionals (e.g. Algonquin College Bursaries).

Your donations to OutCare are used to support funding priorities throughout the Eastern Ontario region. So far for 2016, $92,500 in funding needs have been identified by the palliative care community. The OutCare Foundation supports patients and their families by raising funds for special projects at palliative care organizations across Eastern Ontario. With input from the Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program (our regional palliative care program), OutCare identifies the most pressing needs so that regardless of which organization families turn to for help, they receive the quality care they need and deserve.