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January 2005

Gail Carroll
Executive Director

Kim Devooght, Chair and the Board of Directors of the OutCare Foundation are pleased to announce the appointment of Gail Carroll as Executive Director. Gail brings a 20-year history of accomplishments to the Foundation that includes the development of successful public awareness programs and the execution of effective communications, events, fundraising and strategic partnerships. The CHEO Foundation, Grace Hospital and other diverse public and private groups have employed her expertise. She has the right mix of experience, vision, creativity and is eager to lead the OutCare Foundation in supporting community-based healthcare in Eastern Ontario.

The OutCare Foundation’s primary focus is to provide much needed grants and seed funding to community healthcare providers outside of the traditional hospital environment. Programs and services supported by the OutCare Foundation include palliative care, alzheimer care, home nursing & home support, hospice care, respite and occupational & rehabilitation programs.
