Our History & Mission
Recent Funding
Granting Criteria
Board of Directors
How to Donate

Press Kit

Projects We've Funded

Out of Hospital Care Statistics

Online donations will be possible soon. Please call (613) 232-2273 to make a donation in the meantime.

How you can help the Outcare Foundation to continue to financially support community-based healthcare in Eastern Ontario

  • An individual gift
  • A pledged gift
    This is an opportunity to donate a larger gift by making a commmitment over a 2 or 3 year period.
  • A memorial gift
    A gift in memory of a loved one who received community-based healthcare from a specific organization or from a service provider.
  • Wills and Bequests
    You may choose to name the Foundation as a beneficiary of an insurance policy or as a bequest in your will. By naming the Foundation as a beneficiary of an insurance policy, you will receive the benefit of an income tax receipt for the amount of your yearly premium. These types of gifts are usually arranged with a lawyer, insurer and a representative of the foundation.
  • Special events
    Individuals and organizations from the community can partner with the staff of the Foundation to host a special event with the proceeds being directed to the Foundation or equally divided between the Foundation and a participating organization.