The OutCare Foundation Presents

‘Celebration In The Garden’ – Earnscliffe, Official Residence of the British High Commissioner,
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 – rain or shine under the tent.
Including a chance to win Airfare for 2 to London, England or Glasgow, Scotland & other luxurious prizes.
J.T. Bradley’s Convenience Store in Navan, Ontario to celebrate it’s 110th Anniversary to benefit the OutCare Foundation,
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Navan Curling Club – details coming soon

The Roger’s House Telethon – Presented by the OutCare Foundation- Monday, Feb. 25. Broadcast live on SportsNet during the Senators vs the Leafs. A record $1,119,000. was raised.>>
A news release will follow.
Celebration of Life 2007 , Ottawa Congress Centre, Wednesday October 10. 2007. >>
Maharaja's Ball, Ottawa Congress Centre, Friday October 19, 2007. Organizers of the Maharaja’s Ball presented $21,000 to the OutCare Foundation.>>
Celebration In the Garden - Earnscliffe, Official Residence of the British High Commissioner, June 15, 2007 >>
OutCare Classic Golf Tournament , Tuesday July 10, 2007. >>
The Art of Giving, April 13-15, 2007 >>
19th Annual Ottawa Physiotherapy Run/Walk raises $4,633.00 for the OutCare Foundation. >>
Hike for Hospice
Palliative Care >>
The 4th Annual Roger's House Telethon, - Tuesday, February 20, 2007 -- Live on Sportsnet - 6:30 pm >>
Older events
Flatley's Lord of the Dance >>
Celebration of Life 2006 >>
Celebration of Life 2005 >>
Par 3 for Palliative Care Golf Tournament. >>
Streetdance 2005 >>