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Legacy Giving

Our community-based palliative care organizations do great work - incredible work - but they don't have enough funding. We are working hard to help them. Together, we are building palliative care for our region.

Again, thank you to the OutCare Foundation for its support of hospice and for making a difference, not only to clients and families, but also those providers of hospice palliative care. We are blessed to have you and your organization!

Debbie Watt, Beth Donovan Hospice

Have you thought about what you would like your legacy to be or how you like to be remembered? This is a question that many of us think about at some point, and perhaps more so when a friend or a loved one has had a palliative care experience. With only an estimated 30% of those who need palliative care able to access it, the needs great.

Your future donation will help us to address the most pressing palliative care needs - it will help to improve quality of life. Please contact Jennifer Cass at or 613-232-2273 if you would like to discuss this giving option.

Important Information You need to Know

Legal name: The OutCare Foundation / La fondation OutCare

Charitable registration number: 88074 5286 RR0001

Address: 214-720 Belfast Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 0Z5

Contact: Jennifer Cass, Program Coordinator

Suggested Wording

Residual gift: "To pay the OutCare Foundation the residue (or share of the residue) of my estate for such use and purpose as the Board of Directors may determine in their absolute discretion."

Specific gift: "To pay the OutCare Foundation the sum of $___ for such use and purpose as the Board of Directors may determine in their absolute discretion."

If you have questions about what type of gift will work best for you, please contact us. We will be happy to work with you and your family to help you meet your goals.

Why Donate?

Donate to support palliative care across Eastern Ontario.

Donate to ensure palliative care is there you when need it.

Donate because it matters!


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Did You Know?

An estimated 90% of us will need palliative care.

Only an estimated 30% of those who need palliative care can access it.

Most of us wish to die in home yet at least 50% of deaths still occur in hospitals.

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