
Spring 2022 Grant Awards


Grief Care Kits

Last fall, Carefor Hospice Cornwall applied and received funding from OutCare to create Grief Care Kits for their bereaved clients. By delivering the kits in person, their Patient and Family Supportive Services Coordinator could ensure the client was coping well and the personal connection could encourage the client to reach out for help later.

Dave Kalil Concert Raises Over $7,500!

The January 29, 2022 Dave Kalil concert in support of the OutCare Foundation raised just over $7,500! All proceeds will help fund OutCare's Grief Care Kit Project for hospices within the Champlain Health Region. Special thanks to Dave Kalil and his Take a Breakers, the Zed family, Friends of OutCare and everyone who tuned in.
$45,000 invested

Turning Your Donations into Care

We are proud to announce that we were able to fully fund all the grant applications that we received in 2021. Thanks to your generous donations, these local hospices can enhance existing programs and undertake trial initiatives to deliver essential palliative care within the Champlain Health Region.

Black Tie Bingo Raises Over $21,000

Thank you to all those who joined us in recreating our annual Black Tie Bingo fundraiser as a virtual event. People got dressed up, enjoyed their meals, and tuned in for the online program—some even held their own bingo games!

Carefor Hospice Cornwall Comfort Kit Pilot

Building connection and providing tools for better care. Timely access to palliative care can both improve quality and extend length of life for individuals with a life-limiting illness. This care also provides necessary support to caregivers, primarily family and friends.

OutCare Gives a Foothold to Compassionate Ottawa

When individuals are treated for life threatening illness, approximately 5% of the time is spent with the formal health care system and the other 95% with family, friends, neighbours and other informal caregivers. The numbers are clear: community support, in all its forms – family, friends, neighbors, coworkers – is vital.


The OutCare Foundation has faithfully supported the Home Hospice North Lanark (HHNL) home visiting program by their generous grants over the past several years. As I leave my role as Coordinator of Volunteers HHNL on Aug 25, 2021, I reflect on the generosity of the OutCare Foundation over the years.

Caregiver Training Goes Online

So many of us are, will be, or have been caregivers of a friend or family member living with a life-limiting illness. At times, it can be an overwhelming journey.

New Grants

We are always proud to share how we invest your generous donations in palliative care, whether by funding walkers for a medical equipment loan cupboard or education bursaries for palliative care volunteers. But with so much demand for funding, how do we decide where to allocate your dollars?

Black Tie Bingo—In a Box!

We could not let another year go by without Black Tie Bingo so we have decided to take it online. OutCare has partnered with Beckta Dining & Wine to deliver our Black Tie Bingo in a Box to you at home.

Leadership Renewal

The OutCare Foundation Board has worked tirelessly during this pandemic to support our palliative care partners while re-imagining how we can best serve. At our Annual General Meeting on June 2, 2021, returning Board members renewed their commitment, appointed their new executive and elected new members.

Awesome Auction Raised $14,175!

The Home Garden Getaway edition of the Awesome Auction was a success thanks to the generous support of those who donated items and to those who bid on the items. We couldn’t have done this without your support!

Online Auction Supports Palliative Care in our Community

Last fall we held our inaugural Awesome Auction and with the arrival of spring, we’re back again with the Home | Garden | Getaway edition. This time we’ve curated a fantastic selection of auction items to brighten your living spaces inside and out as well as sensational experiences to help you escape!

Saying Goodbye—Your Home, Your Life, Your Choice.

Marj and Bud Berry always had a welcoming home. Marj would stand in the window waving at the kids walking to and from school. The kids waved back. The Berry home shone a welcoming light on the entire neighbourhood. The Berry family home stood in the centre of the Carlingwood community for decades, always busy, always filled with love and laughter.

We Are Grateful

Thanks to you we raised $7,350! Thank you to all our teams and participants for taking on the challenge to get outdoors and be active while raising funds for palliative care. Congratulations to Team Palladium Insurance for raising $2,100 and winning the OutCare OutDoors Challenge Cup. We also thank those who donated in honour of participants and cheered them on. What a great way to enjoy winter!

Carleton University Students

Last fall we both took the same communications class which gave us the opportunity to build a Strategic Communications Plan for an organization we felt passionate about. We felt connected to the OutCare Foundation’s mission to make palliative care as comfortable and accessible as possible, so we chose to work with them over the semester, doing research and building a Strategic Communications plan tailored to their foundation.

2020 OutCare Hospice Grants

It is a privilege to invest your donations in much-needed palliative care programs throughout the Champlain region and exciting to hear how these funds help deliver innovative and compassionate care to patients and their loved ones.

Take a Break Concert a Resounding Success!

Thanks to our donors and the generosity of TELUS and the Zed Family, the concert raised $23,700! We also extend our thanks to Dave Kalil for selecting the OutCare Foundation as the charity for his Feb. 20 Take A Break concert.

OutCare OutDoors

Cooped up by COVID-19? It’s time to get up, get out and get active – turn your favourite winter activity into an opportunity to help those in need of palliative care in our community by participating in OutCare OutDoors – in Support of Palliative Care - February 12 -15. You, family, friends and work colleagues can team up to turn your favourite activity into $2,000 of funding for palliative care.