
2020 OutCare Hospice Grants

March 15, 2021

It is a privilege to invest your donations in much-needed palliative care programs throughout the Champlain region and exciting to hear how these funds help deliver innovative and compassionate care to patients and their loved ones.

Your donations helped:

“The OutCare Foundation, based in Ottawa, has shown their commitment to quality palliative care in our region, and support for HHNL, in a very tangible way. In response to an application for funding for “creative therapies” they responded by giving HHNL more than what we asked for!

To say we are grateful to the organization and all of the people who support them is an understatement. The funds will allow us to enhance and support our home hospice visiting volunteer program, volunteer education and client comfort.”

– Nancy Deschenes, Chair, Home Hospice North Lanark

“On behalf of Madawaska Valley Hospice Palliative Care, please accept my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your generous donation to our program. I received it just this morning in the mail and it was the best gift in this joyous season. We are so excited and can’t wait to put the money in motion to assist our community.

We will be happy to share our journey and how your kindness touches caregivers and the people they love. Again, thank you!”

– Lisa Hubers, Executive Director, Madawaska Valley Hospice Palliative Care Program