Fall 2022 Grant Awards
December 8, 2022
The Fall 2022 Grant recipients are - Roger Neilson House, Beth Donovan Hospice and the Diane Morrison Hospice at the Ottawa Mission.
Roger Neilson House - $14,595
Funding to RNH will be used to purchase an “Acheeva Learning Station”. The learning station will allow children who would otherwise struggle to maintain a functional position, to relax and safely focus on learning and play.
The learning station is designed to provide support and improve posture in supine, prone or side-lying positions. If a child becomes uncomfortable, a staff member can easily adjust the chair to a more comfortable position, allowing the child to continue with the activity.
Beth Donovan Hospice - $8,550
Volunteers are a key component of the palliative services provided by Beth Donavan. Funds from the fall grant will be used in their continuing program of volunteer recruitment and the training program. There has been an increased demand for grief and bereavement counselling and a large part of their eight week training course focuses on that.
Diane Morrison Hospice at the Ottawa Mission - $5,174
The Diane Morrison Hospice is creating a dedicated computer station to be used exclusively by their clients. The station will provide access to family and friends, to many online government programs such as social and tax services. It can also be used for entertainment, educational and informational purposes - news and streaming services.
Having a dedicated computer station will help break the isolation of their clients and have a significant psychosocial and mental health beneifits.
Thanks to your continuing support
We are proud to announce that we have been able to fully fund all 2022 grant requests to a total of $60,318.
Thanks to your generous donations, these local hospices can enhance existing programs and undertake new initiatives in their delivery of essential palliative care within the Champlain Health Region.