Grief Care Kits
Update June 23, 2022
Four Champlain hospices are ready to distribute Grief Care Kits to their clients. Beth Donovan Hospice, Dundas County Hospice, Home Hospice North Lanark and Renfrew Hospice have received OutCare funding for this program. A total of $4,600 has been disbursed to date and 115 families will receive kits.
Mar. 14, 2022
Last fall, Carefor Hospice Cornwall applied and received funding from OutCare to create Grief Care Kits for their bereaved clients. By delivering the kits in person, their Patient and Family Supportive Services Coordinator could ensure the client was coping well and the personal connection could encourage the client to reach out for help later.
The kit contains information, exercises and comfort items to support the client in their grief while also educating them on the available hospice resources. Specific kits are offered for adults and children.
At our check-in with Champlain Hospices on January 11, 2022, we heard that the need for grief and bereavement support is at an all-time high. We believe that the grief care kits are an invaluable tool to help address current demand and want to make them available to any hospice within the Champlain Health Region. OutCare’s goal is to raise $25,000 this year so that every hospice who wants can offer the kits to their clients.
We’ve already raised $10K!
Thanks to everyone involved in the January 29, 2022 Take A Break concert in support of the OutCare Foundation: Dave Kalil, Erin Benjamin and the loyal Take A Breakers, the Zed Family, Friends of OutCare and OutCare supporters.
We also thank Rick and Bobbi Soderstrom for their generous gift of $2,500.
Help us do more by adding your personal donation here. Together, we can help bereaved families on their grief journey. A donation of $40 will purchase a grief care kit.