Spring 2023 Grant Awards
June 12, 2023
Your OutCare Donations Enhancing Palliative Care in the Community
Beth Donovan Hospice - $8,500
The OutCare Spring Grant will be used to expand alternative therapies, not only for existing clients, but also for those who have suffered a recent loss, with a goal to reduce the waitlist for bereavement services.
Among the alternative therapy offered will be music, art, equine and yoga. There will also be an expansion of their healing gardens and an accessible seating area to view the Beth Donovan Labyrinth. The intent is to ensure that not only clients, but their families and the bereaved have a place for quiet meditation and reflection. There are also plans for a memorial butterfly release later this year.
Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program (CHPCP) - $10,000
Since 2018, their 5-week Practical Caregiver Education Program has been offered in the Champlain Region by CHPCP and other partners such as Home Hospice North Lanark and the Dementia Society of Ottawa-Renfrew. It is a comprehensive program that encompasses several facets of caregiving including advance care planning, lifts and transfers, home hygiene, and grief among other topics.
The OutCare Spring Grant will be used to adapt and expand their Practical Caregiver Education Program for delivery to those who are supporting a friend or family member at the end-of-life. Caregivers will be offered access to the program to coincide with their oved one being accepted into care by the Community Palliative Medicine Associates.
Madawaska Valley Hospice Palliative Care (MVHPC) - $10,800
In 2020, an OutCare Grant allowed MVHPC to launch a pilot program of enhanced support for caregivers providing palliative care at home. It has made a dramatic difference for both the caregiver and those individuals in their care. During these past few years, it became apparent that there was a need for additional support in the form of overnight respite for caregivers. The funds from the OutCare Spring Grant will be sed to launch a 6-month pilot to offer overnight respite to caregivers. The aim is to allow caregivers worry-free sleep to recharge their batteries enough to ensure that their loved ones could remain at home.
Thanks to your continuing support we are proud to announce that we have been able to fund grant requests in the amount of $29,300. With funds local hospices can enhance existing programs and undertake new initiatives in their delivery of essential palliative care within the Champlain Health Region.