We Are Grateful
March 21, 2021
Team Palladium Co-Captains – Tim Snelling & Sylvie Forget-Swim
OutCare OutDoors
Thanks to you we raised $7,350!
Thank you to all our teams and participants for taking on the challenge to get outdoors and be active while raising funds for palliative care.
Congratulations to Team Palladium Insurance for raising $2,100 and winning the OutCare OutDoors Challenge Cup. We also thank those who donated in honour of participants and cheered them on. What a great way to enjoy winter!
‘Take a Break’ for OutCare
Thanks to our donors and the generosity of TELUS and the Zed Family, the concert raised $23,700! We also extend our thanks to Dave Kalil for selecting OutCare as the charity for his Feb. 20 ‘Take A Break’ concert. Over 225 of Dave Kalil’s fans and OutCare supporters logged on to enjoy the concert.
Comedy @ Home
Thanks to all who participated in one or all three of our Comedy Night events. The interactive entertainment experience allowed participants to share some laughs with professional comedians from the comfort of their own living room. The three events raised $8,650. A portion of the proceeds will support Roger Neilson House and Hopewell Eating Disorder Support Centre.