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OutCare Foundation Community Events

Host An Event

Consider organizing an event where proceeds go the OutCare Foundation. It’s a great way to be involved in our community and make a difference in palliative care. Please contact our office so we can help you.

Lisa Davey
Executive Director
(613) 232-7169

OutCare Foundation
214-720 Belfast Road
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z5

Laura McArthur-Gupta
Development Officer
(613) 232-2273

Would you like to learn more?

Please contact us today!

Why Donate?

Donate to support palliative care across Eastern Ontario.

Donate to ensure palliative care is there you when need it.

Donate because it matters!


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Did You Know?

An estimated 90% of us will need palliative care.

Only an estimated 30% of those who need palliative care can access it.

Most of us wish to die in home yet at least 50% of deaths still occur in hospitals.

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