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Par 3 for Palliative Care

‘Par 3 For Palliative Care’ is a wonderful example of the good that grows when businesses and individuals come together to support and enrich the lives of individuals and families in our community.

This first-time event is scheduled for Wednesday, June 15, 2005 at the new European PGA approved Short Course, MarchWood at The Marshes Golf Club.

There can be no more worthy cause than providing citizens of all ages, and their families, facing life-threatening illness with the services and care necessary to enhance their comfort and quality of life.

Sponsors and supporters are the foundation of any successful fundraiser. Thank you for considering the OutCare Foundation’s inaugural ‘Par 3 For Palliative Care.

The OutCare Foundation exclusively supports out-of-hospital healthcare programs and services by funding community-based organizations that deliver vital care in Eastern Ontario with little or no funding from other sources. We provide the funds, so caregivers can provide the care.

Par 3 For Palliative Care” will support a group of out-of-hospital hospice palliative care programs in this region. The group includes:

• Hospice at Maycourt
• Rogers House
• Friends of Hospice Ottawa
• Palliative Care Outreach Program
• Mission Hospice

Hospice palliative care is not a household term. But, it certainly becomes one when we or our loved ones are faced with the devastating and emotional circumstances of a terminal illness. We want to make sure that the remaining days of life are as comfortable and dignified as possible.

Caring for someone who is dying can pose a multitude of challenges for families and caregivers. Confusion—where to go for help and support – how to make informed decisions.

Palliative care is about caring for people with life limiting illness, as well as for their families and friends. It is a special kind of medical and emotional care that recognizes that dying is part of the normal process of living. Increasingly, patients and their families are becoming better advocates for their own healthcare. With little or no funding from other sources, the future of these hospice palliative care services is in the collective hands of the community.

The need has never been greater. The OutCare Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that this compassionate quality care continues to be available in our community. For our families, our friends and even for ourselves.

“Par 3 For Palliative Care” advances the understanding
of and funding for end-of-life care.



Foundations looking to raise $500,000 over three years for hospice palliative care

The face of five hospice palliative care programs in the National Capital Region will be brighter with today’s announcement of a partnership between the OutCare Foundation and Ottawa Senators Foundation. The two foundations have joined forces to advance community understanding and raise funds for end of life care with a plan to raise $500,000 through the “Celebration of Life”, a joint multi-year initiative.

Over the next three years, the “Celebration of Life”, a high impact campaign and event, will see a group of out-of-hospital hospice palliative care programs share the benefits of this community fundraising effort. The OutCare Foundation and Ottawa Senators Foundation have brought together the following hospice palliative care providers, that receive little or no funding from other sources: Friends of Hospice Ottawa, Hospice at May Court, The Mission Hospice, Palliative Care Outreach Program and Roger’s House.

The 2005 “Celebration of Life” event will be held at the Congress Centre Tuesday, Oct. 18. The gourmet cocktail party and variety show expects to attract more than 400 guests and the endorsement of the business community. Funds raised through proceeds from ticket sales and the live and silent auctions will be matched by the OutCare Foundation.

The Ottawa Senators Foundation and OutCare Foundation most recent joint venture, the OutCare Foundation Celebration Telethon on Jan. 15, raised $670,493 for Roger’s House. The foundations also co-presented “Celebration of Life” last October, a sold out event that resulted in a $100,000 cheque given to the Palliative Care Outreach Program.

“These projects illustrate the power of a strong partnership matched with the will of the community. The need to support out-of-hospital programs and initiatives, such as this, is growing as demands on the healthcare system increase and patients and their families become better advocates for their own care,” says Gail Carroll, OutCare Foundation executive director.

“Both our organizations share a deep commitment to helping to secure the highest quality of care and compassion for everyone. It’s amazing what can happen when two foundations come together for the betterment of our community,” states Ottawa Senators Foundation president, Dave Ready.

The OutCare Foundation is a self-sustaining and independent, charitable foundation that exclusively provides financial support to community-based, not-for-profit healthcare organizations that deliver care and services outside the traditional hospital environment.

The Ottawa Senators Foundation’s mandate is to provide gifts and gifts in kind to registered Canadian charities and bursaries to post-secondary institutions within the Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec region. The primary focus of our assistance is toward disadvantaged youth.

100th Anniversary Celebration J.T. Bradley's Convenience Store (Navan) Benefits OutCare Foundation With Streetdance 2005 ''Chicken BBQ''

WHAT: Streetdance 2005 - "Chicken BBQ"
WHEN: Friday June 3, 2005
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Navan Fairgrounds "Under the Domes"
WHO: Featuring AMBUSH
Opening with: Ira McWilliams
WHY: 100th Anniversary J.T. Bradley's Convenience Store
In support of the OutCare Foundation
WHO: Sponsored by: Soucy Ford Sales (Rockland)
HOW: Advance Tickets: Available at J.T. Bradley’s Convenience Store
$10.00 admission/$20.00 admission & chicken BBQ
($15.00 admission/$25.00 at the gate)

MAY 1, 2005


On Sunday, May 1, thousands of Canadians representing over 100 Hike Sites across Canada participated in a 3rd Annual Hike for Hopsice Palliative Care, a national awareness and fundraising event.

The OutCare Foundation was pleased to present
2 official Hike Sites in Ottawa.

Friends of Hospice
Hike Location: Andrew Haydon Park, Carling Ave. near Bayshore
For more info: 838-5744 or visit www.friendsofhospiceottawa.ca

The Hospice at May Court
Hike Location: The Hospice at May Court, 114 Cameron Avenue
For More information call 260-2906 or visit www.hospicemaycourt.com

SPRING, 2004

The OutCare Foundation presents "Celebration of Life, 2004" along with
the Ottawa Senators Foundation and helps raise $100,000
for the Palliative Care Outreach Program

On October 5, the OutCare Foundation partnered with the Ottawa Senators Foundation to jointly present, “Celebration of Life” – a cocktail party and variety show in support of the Palliative Care Outreach Program (PCOP). As part of the OutCare Foundation's commitment to supporting out-of-hospital care in our community, the Foundation matched the amount raised through the "Celebration of Life" to present the PCOP with a cheque for $100,000.

Hosted by Max Keeping, CJOH-TV's News Director, over 300 people attended the event at the Ottawa Congress Centre. Proceeds from ticket sales as well as "live" and silent auctions raised $50,000. With the matching funds from the OutCare Foundation, the Palliative Care Outreach Program received a cheque for $100,000. This funding will be used to help Dr. Margaret Francombe, Medical Director and Founder of the PCOP, and her dedicated staff maintain the services they compassionately deliver to terminally ill patients and their families in our region.

The OutCare Foundation was delighted to partner with the Ottawa Senators Foundation and other local businesses to support the PCOP in its work and to help improve the availability of out-of-hospital care in our community

Dr. Margaret Farncombe, Founder of the Palliative Care Outreach Program is presented with a $100,000 cheque by Gail Carroll, Executive Director of the OutCare Foundation and Dave Ready, President of the Ottawa Senators Foundation.

Watch the video interviews with
Dr. Farncombe and Dave Ready
(LENGTH - 1:46 minutes)

Click to watch video
Quicktime version (11 MB)
Windows Media version (3.5 MB)
Real Player version (4.4 MB)

Dave Ready, M-C Max Keeping (News Director, CJOH-TV) and Gail Carroll announce the total amount raised at the "Celebration of Life" event.

Click to watch video
(LENGTH - 1:04 minutes)

Quicktime version (7.5 MB)
Windows Media version (2 MB)
Real Player version (3.4 MB)

OutCare Foundation grants $50,000 to the Aphasia Centre of Ottawa

The Aphasia Centre of Ottawa can now establish Caregiver Wellness and Caregiver Outreach programs thanks to a two-year grant of $50,000 from the OutCare Foundation.

These programs will provide direct support to family caregivers who are “on the front line” caring for aphasia patients 24 hours a day in their homes.

Aphasia is a condition that commonly afflicts people who suffer a stroke or severe head injury. Aphasia robs a person of their fundamental ability to communicate even though their intelligence and reasoning abilities are perfectly intact. The stress aphasia can cause for both the sufferer and their family is enormous.

Funding from the OutCare Foundation will allow the Aphasia Centre to develop a program that supports community reintegration for families living with stroke. Using the OutCare Foundation’s grant as seed funding, the Aphasia Centre’s pilot project – if successful – will provide a strong case for long-term and ongoing funding from other sources. Because the Aphasia Centre receives no direct funds from any government source, the interim funding from the OutCare Foundation is helping make the pilot program possible.

The Aphasia Centre is the only community-based agency in Ottawa serving aphasia patients and their families. Aphasia is more common than Parkinson’s disease, Cerebral Palsy or Muscular Dystrophy. It’s estimated that up to 1 in every 250 people in North America suffer from aphasia. For more information about the Aphasia Centre of Ottawa, please visit www.aphasiaottawa.com

John Bradley, Vice-Chairman of the OutCare Foundation, presents $50,000 cheque to the Aphasia Centre of Ottawa (Length: 22 seconds)

Click to watch video (Quicktime: 2.2 MB) (Windows Media)

Kathy Steill, Director of Family Support Services at the Aphasia Centre, discusses how funds from the OutCare Foundation will benefit Aphasia patients in Ottawa (Length: 1:10)

Click to watch video (Quicktime: 5.8 MB) (Windows Media)

Karen Barclay, Case Manager at the Aphasia Centre, talks about how the new program she is developing with the OutCare funding helps family caregivers (Length: 48 seconds)

Click to watch video (Quicktime: 2.1 MB) (Windows Media)

John Bradley, Vice-Chairman of the OutCare Foundation, discusses how funding from the OutCare Foundation supports the Aphasia Centre’s new programs (Length: 40 seconds)

Click to watch video (Quicktime: 3.8 MB) (Windows Media)