New Equipment Allows Beth Donovan to Continue Lending
“In late March 2020, a week after our world changed due to COVID-19, one of our clients called,” says Sue Walker, Executive Director, Beth Donovan Hospice. “She had borrowed mobility equipment from our free lending service.”
“When the husband of our client passed away, the pandemic rules did not allow for a funeral. They only had a private service for immediate family,” says Sue. “She was understandably distraught and told me the only thing she could control was putting her house back to normal.”
This feeling of normalcy included having all the equipment removed from the house. It was a very painful reminder of her husband’s suffering and how very much she missed him.
COVID-19 Puts Program on Hold
Unfortunately, Beth Donovan Hospice was not able to accept the return of the borrowed equipment because they didn’t have the means to meet new COVID-19 protocols for sanitizing equipment before accepting it back into inventory. “We didn’t have the industrial strength tools to clean the equipment, until now!”, says Sue.
“Thanks to help we received from the OutCare Foundation we’ve been able to order an industrial steamer that arrives soon. We look forward to continuing to lend out safely to those waiting for wheelchairs, commodes, walkers and so much more.”
The Beth Donovan Hospice, located in Kemptville, loans medical and mobility equipment to people who are able to spend their last days in the comfort and familiar surroundings of home.
Their resourceful team acquired a shipping container to temporarily store equipment as they await arrival of the new steam-cleaner.
“The OutCare Foundation, through donors like you, is proud to be able to help people who support their loved ones by helping them spend their time together at home,” says Linda McCallum, OutCare Foundation Chair. “COVID-19 is changing everything, including how we support people in their final days of life. Through this small gesture, we know that Beth Donovan and other hospices in Eastern Ontario can safely continue to help people stay together as long as they can.”
Currently OutCare is working with hospices with equipment lending programs to ensure they have the appropriate cleaning equipment. You can help.