Our History & Mission
Recent Funding
Granting Criteria
Board of Directors
How to Donate

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Projects We've Funded

Out of Hospital Care Statistics

The OutCare Foundation supports the delivery of healthcare services in Ottawa and has been doing so for over 20 years ­ previously as the Riverside Hospital Foundation.

This is achieved by following a unique approach that very much follows a "Business Case" methodology. First and foremost, the Foundation is completely independent and self-sustaining. It receives no government funding of any kind.

The Foundation manages its operating costs and supports its granting activities through investment income generated from interest earned on its endowment. Accumulated over many years and with the generous support of donors, patrons and the business community, the endowment allows the Foundation to make grants on an ongoing basis and to support charitable, not-for-profit healthcare providers that deliver "out-of-hospital" care to patients and families in our community.

Grants are made by the Foundation to provide healthcare providers with seed funding so they can expand an existing program or launch a new program – based on demonstrated need. The goal is to allow a funded partner operate the new program so it can become self-sustaining and eventually secure ongoing funds from government or other sources. Seed funding from the Foundation is usually for a period of up to three years. For more information about the OutCare Foundation¹s granting criteria, please click here.

When a donation is made to the Foundation, and the Foundation¹s endowment grows, every penny of every dollar is used to support the work of our charitable, not-for-profit partners. No administration costs are paid for from donations to the OutCare Foundation. Investment income from the endowment pays for all operating, staff and granting activities.

The Foundation also supports funded partners by looking for opportunities to develop and stage fundraising events/programs on their behalf. Net proceeds from these joint fundraising activities are shared by the partner(s) – who receive a direct donation – and the Foundation, which uses its share of the proceeds to grow the endowment.

This co-operative and mutually supportive philosophy lets the Foundation help our community-based partners with an approach that is both unique and proven. For more information, please call (613) 232-2273 or email info@outcarefoundation.org.