
New Grants

We are always proud to share how we invest your generous donations in palliative care, whether by funding walkers for a medical equipment loan cupboard or education bursaries for palliative care volunteers. But with so much demand for funding, how do we decide where to allocate your dollars?

OutCare communicates regularly with our amazing hospices who are on the front-line in delivering palliative care. Our group Zoom calls provide the opportunity for Hospices to share insights and experience. Their feedback informs our understanding of current needs, funding gaps and opportunities. The needs vary by community as are evidenced by the diversity of grant applications we receive.

On June 23, OutCare announced our new grants program at a Zoom meeting with Hospices within the Champlain LHIN. Commencing in 2022, OutCare will be offering two rounds of grants per year. This will enable us to be more responsive to the changing needs of our Hospices. At the same time, we have redesigned the application form to provide us with a more complete understanding of initiatives requesting financial support. Grant application deadlines will be the end of February and September annually.

For 2021, Hospices are invited to submit applications for funding with a deadline of September 30. Grants will be awarded in November 2021.

For more information on our Grants Program contact [email protected]