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Making An Impact

The OutCare Foundation has funded a broad range of initiatives for palliative care providers in the Champlain Health Region serving Ottawa and Eastern Ontario including:
• a successful telemedicine project
• promotion and facilitation of Advanced Care Planning
• bursaries for both palliative care volunteers and students
• equipment that improves the comfort, care and quality of life for those facing end-of-life

How Donations Are Used

2019 Hospice Grants
Your donations continue to improve hospices programs in Eastern Ontario. In 2019, we supported the needs of the following organizations:

Beth Donovan Hospice, Kemptville
• Hoyer Lift to facilitate patient wheelchair to bed transfer
• air mattresses
• wheelchairs

Carefor, Pembroke
• Delivery of 20 hospital beds to patients receiving in-home palliative care

Home Hospice North Lanark
• LEAP (Learning Essentials Approach to Palliative End of Life Care) training for 15 volunteers to provide in-home palliative care visits
• Continuing education for 15 hospice home visiting volunteers

Ottawa Mission Hospice
• Balanced Air Self Adjusting mattresses
• Masimo Set Oximeter
• Stethoscopes

Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program
• Bursaries for 24 volunteers to receive training

We are adapting and continue to respond to the changing needs in the community.

Response to Covid-19

Currently, OutCare is working with hospices to ensure they have the appropriate tools to sterilize equipment and furniture. Read how an industrial steamer is helping Beth Donovan Hospice keep their medical equipment lending program operational.

Virtual Reality

Update: Covid-19 has put the pilot project on hold as day hospice programs are temporarily cancelled. We are adding UV-C boxes to the list of equipment for each site so that the Virtual Reality headsets can be sanitized between use.

The Pilot

OutCare is partnering with four area hospices that offer day programs to provide Day Hospice guests to experience Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality can provide guests with the opportunity to fulfill a dream or desire they may have but due to their illness, are no longer able to pursue. This pilot project has
three goals:
• To improve the quality of life for Day Hospice guests by offering a VR experience
• To explore the value and feasibility of offering VR technology in a Day Hospice setting
• To examine the accessibility of VR technology and the practicality of implementing VR programming in Day Hospices across Eastern Ontario

Why Donate?

Donate to support palliative care across Eastern Ontario.

Donate to ensure palliative care is there you when need it.

Donate because it matters!


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Did You Know?

An estimated 90% of us will need palliative care.

Only an estimated 30% of those who need palliative care can access it.

Most of us wish to die in home yet at least 50% of deaths still occur in hospitals.

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